Friday, February 14, 2014

What Are The Benefits Of Honey

Honey is a substance sugary fragrant produced by bees from the nectar of flowers and consists of 19 articles a vital and beneficial to the human body, including protein, which gives thermal energy and helps in the growth of muscles, and carbohydrates in the form of sugars easy digestion and absorption, and vitamins (B 1) and (b 2) and (b 6 ), useful in cases of paralysis and numbness of the Parties to the nerves and skin diseases and eye infections.

It also contains vitamin "e" and the salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine.

And given every hundred grams of honey bees around 294 kilo calories of energy, and includes the components of certain enzymes that play an important role in the completion of biological processes within the cells of the body.Article Source By Skin Care

In order to collect the bee one kilogram of honey, they move among flowers distance equivalent to 11 times the circumference of the Earth around the equator.

And produces a color theme of honey dissolved components of plant origin comes from the nectar, which is influenced by the color temperature tends to dark color if the temperature heated up in the season nectar.

The advantage of all types of honey as easy absorption and metabolism, and represents an appropriate diet restores vitality and activity. The type and color of honey according to Flowers eaten by bees and Egypt characterized by having produced different types of honey bees to crop diversity by including the vase, as illustrated by Dr. advisory herbal therapy.

1) Honey Flowers Cotton: Contains a high percentage of iron is useful in cases of heart disease, anemia and useful in feeding children and recommended for athletes.

2) Honey Clover flowers: It is the most popular in Egypt because of the taste desirable and advisable in this type of honey in cases of old age, pregnancy and is used as a diuretic.

3) Honey Citrus Flowers: very useful in the treatment of colds, cold and sore throat.

Also used analgesic and soothing to the nerves.

4) Honey Flowers sativa: very useful in cases of hepatitis year.

Useful in cases of indigestion as it is very essential minerals needed by the body and is effective in the treatment of stomach worms

5) Honey Flowers Marjoram: The Best in the treatment of respiratory diseases and cases of asthma, bronchitis, colds and sore throats

The Most Important Benefits Of Lemon

Lemon vegetables task for the authorities and appetizers, and lemon juice also enjoy the taste of delicious except for its health benefits and that illustrated by consultant immune diseases, saying that the lemon a number of health benefits that is in being purified blood and removes all impurities body beside his ability to rid the body of toxins sticking to it.

And lemon rich in potassium, which is of great importance for patients with heart disease because of its ability to strengthen the immune system and help it to heart patients to get rid of problems and heart attacks, and is one of the natural sedatives that can be used if and when put half a lemon on any wound exposed to the bleeding was not that this will contribute to stop the bleeding completely.

Do not stop the benefits of lemon at this point but it contains many of the nutritional vitamins K (c and b) beside the material niacin, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, and is useful in the treatment of scurvy and the strengthening of the vascular wall, eating lemon am useful to the liver next to its ability to treat inflammation of the throat and tonsils , it is also useful in the treatment of ulcers of the stomach and colon irritation therefore recommended capturing as much as possible on a regular basis.Information Source By VITILIGO Miracle Scam

Try Recipes From The Salt To The Process Of Peeling Skin

The salt of the basic components in the kitchen, nor can any lady indispensable in any way, but the money you know about salt is interest strange to him in Beauty and peeling skin, and will let you know about today's most important secrets of salt, which can be used in many mixtures of skin peeling and most importantly :

Mix the salt and olive oil: Mix two tablespoons of coarse salt with a tablespoon of olive oil or coconut oil, with four tablespoons of salt, and then blending the mixture rub the mixture on the skin of your face, for about ten minutes, and this dead cells, and the skin moisturizing necessary, and you can repeat this mixture twice a week.

Mix salt and butter: Mix four tablespoons of coconut oil, and one teaspoon of butter, and two tablespoons of salt, and you can add oil perfumed to the mixture, and then Begin put the mixture on your face for ten minutes, and then rub the mixture, and Just wax with lukewarm water, Repeat this mixture three times a week to get the full supple skin with luster and vitality after two weeks at the most.

Mix the salt and honey: Mix a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of salt and a little oil, then put the mixture on the skin of your face, and rub well your skin, and with lukewarm water, this mixture does not benefit only peeling, but also remove the dark spots and freckles on the skin because of the benefits honey.Quick way to romove VITILIGO with VITILIGO Miracle Review click here

Many Benefits Of Starch For The Skin Must Know It

Starch is the main component of many foods, especially desserts, and more importantly, he enters the world of cosmetics in the field, and in order to find out what more the benefits of starch for the skin followers us the following article, which tells you the most important benefits for the skin, such as:

Peeling skin and softening: a national heats teaspoon of starch and one teaspoon of rose water in the amount of half a cup of water and keep stirring until you have a substance close to the jelly gel, then, mix in a flask and the nationalist-cum-fridge so before every shower on your face or your body to dry a bit, then are rub in circular motions and wash your skin with cold water.

Whiten skin and tighten: Egg mixes with two tablespoons of rose water and one teaspoon of orange blossom water, after making sure that the blending of liquids well, add gradually while stirring two tablespoons of starch. Mix well and classless mix on your skin for 20 minutes. Then, wash your face with lukewarm water.
Narrowing of large pores and cleans the skin of impurities: Pour into a bowl large teaspoon of starch and add to it a tablespoon of hot water.

A few drops of olive oil on your skin and then a class above the mixture for 30 minutes. Then, wash your skin with warm water and then cold.

The treatment of inflammatory pills and skin care after hair removal: a national dissolving a tablespoon of starch in the amount of half a cup of cold water. Then, add to the mix 3 tablespoons of rose water and stratified on the un-cleared areas or inflamed for 20 minutes. Then wash your skin with cold water.Article Source VITILIGO Miracle

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Customized Fat Loss Fitness Reviews

Customized Fat Loss : Excuses Are Unacceptable To Refrain From Exercise

Customized Fat Loss : Luring the issue of exercise a wide range of interesting ladies in recent times, nevertheless, there are a lot of women do not exercise aerobics or are considering following any sports program for various reasons, including concern or raising children because of going to work. Thus themselves on the important benefits of sport in the life of both mental and physical alike

In light of the above, we can give you some important information about exercise and answers to frequently asked questions between now and then are interested in exercising.

I would like to exercise in the sport, but I grew up on it

Customized Fat Loss : Some women think that because of the lack of sports during practice in the tiny capers pose danger to them, or they may expose them to infection, however, experts argue that there is no certain age to practice, with an emphasis on the need to consult a doctor before starting an exercise program specific exercise.

My home without turning exercise in time favorite

Customized Fat Loss Scam : There's no time favorite exercise because you can do in any time. There are several opinions regarding the best time to exercise, there are those who prefer to exercise in the afternoon, where the muscle strength is greatest, and a person is awake, while recommend others workout in the early morning, because the metabolism of the body will burn calories better in that time. The attendance it is easier, according to fitness experts. A third opinion confirms that there is no better time to exercise, as it differs from person to person according to his lifestyle and interests.

I want to practice weight-bearing exercises, but I'm afraid of the emergence of muscle.

VitiLigo Miracle Review

VitiLigo Miracle Review : Skin Type Determines The Appropriate Mask For Your Face
VitiLigo Miracle Review : The process of selecting the appropriate mask for the skin is very important, In addition to aesthetics, the repercussions affect health positively or negatively on the skin if the wrong choice of mask ...

Women with oily skin is pure must use masks that purify the skin and narrow pores, which falls including Indian or mud mask mud masks, as well as the normal gel.

VitiLigo Miracle Review : Women with mixed skin, they must use masks allocated for oily skin, but in the "T", which consists only of the forehead, nose and chin. As for the drought-affected parts of the skin, it's best to use face masks allocated for dry skin.

Women with normal skin need not only to take care masks and moisturizing normal; where her skin radiate freshness and vitality and take the pink color thanks to the blood flow out so well.

VitiLigo Miracle Review : Because dry skin suffer from tension and the emergence of some of their positions in the husks; therefore need special quality of masks and moisturizing masks allocated to revitalize and nourish the skin or containing foam.

Truth About Cellulite Review Try Pumpkin Mask To Moisturize The Skin

Truth About Cellulite Review : Do you suffer from dry skin, and would you like to get wet skin and natural recipes without the use of harmful cosmetics. We offer you a pumpkin mask natural to moisturize the skin.

Mask to work you need to:

Two tablespoons of organic canned pumpkin puree, or to the fruit of a small pumpkin

Half a teaspoon of honey

Half a teaspoon of milk (use skim or soy milk or almond)

Method of application:

Begin your skin clean by removing make-up and face wash by soap or lotion, which I used to use.

Truth About Cellulite Review : Mix pumpkin puree with honey and milk in a small bowl. If you are using fresh fruit pumpkin, clean the inside of the gourd, and Anzei seed them. Crush all until you have the core of him honey and milk in the post.

Truth About Cellulite Review : Apply the mixture on your face by fingertips or a makeup brush medium-sized, and avoid approaching that of your eyes. You can also put it on your neck. But you will have to increase Secondly vulnerable components.

Invited the mask stays on your face for 20 minutes.

Drain the mask by a cloth dampened in lukewarm water, and then my moisturizing cream on your face.Read more