Thursday, April 3, 2014

Factors Integrated and Lead To Acne Hormonal

Appears on the infected areas such as the face, trunk and a mixture of many forms such as:
Black head appear as a black dot if the pressure it has emerged in the form of white color tends to yellow with a black top and there is also a smaller type called a white head.

1. Small red granules
2. Yellow pustules appear on the top-grained

3. Painful abscess

4. Bags deep

Often consist of infection of more than one form mentioned above and disappear injuries after a period ranging from days to weeks to show other and pass the same stages and followed the demise of the incidence of simple surface, such as grain and pimples surface appearance of red spots persist for several weeks and then disappear without a trace recall.

The severe injuries in survival are observed deep scars carved distorted does not disappear forever and in general can be divided into injury acne into two main types: simple kind, which is characterized by the emergence of black heads or granules and pustules superficial and do not succeed that kind lasting effects when it is extinguished and the type severe and is characterized by the appearance of pustules deep abscesses and bags left scars etched distorted after its demise

The treatment of acne

General tips:
Patients are advised to wash the face several times a day with warm water and soap to help keep the pores of the skin which is open nozzles follicles. Patients are advised to stay away and not to eat any varieties of food to the lack of a relationship between the quality of the food and the presence of acne and. Patients are advised to quit the habit of pressing the pimples and squeeze as that would lead to keep the color dark brown place of infection. Article Source By Acne No More

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